Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Please Become a Bone Marrow Donor ASAP!

I've been thinking all day about what line I am going to use to open my blog today, like:

I worked all day yesterday with a pair of wet purple underwear in my pocket.


Squash is a giant, yet fragile plant.


Note to self: Don't use soap with seeds in it while working on a farm during tick season. It makes your shower less relaxing.


I wish you could see the moon right now.


Sometimes there is tension on the farm.


I think I have mushed more bugs during the last two and a half months than I have in my lifetime.


Have I mentioned that the shed's latest infestation of bugs is some kind of pincher earwig bug? Ugh.

BUT, on a more serious note, I'm starting with:
I just joined the Bone Marrow Registry. Will you?

Prior to signing on to my blog, I read an email update about my friend, Annie. She was diagnosed two weeks ago with Leukemia at age 26. She has already had several blood transfusions and has made it through her first round of chemo. She's been on my mind a lot lately, especially since I can't drop in to see her in DC each time that I think of her. There is a possibility that she will need a bone marrow transplant in the next 2-3 months, and it takes 2 months to get tested, approved, and into the search-able database. So PLEASE JOIN TODAY TO HELP ANNIE and many others.

Here's a picture of Annie dancing (typical!) in the hospital the weekend that she was diagnosed. She's the one on the left. I was so happy to be able to go visit her. Love you, Annie!
Below is a note from Annie's mom and one of her sisters about how to join the registry. And if for some reason you do not qualify, please pass it on to someone you know or post it on your blog, facebook, or webpage. Thank you, dearly.

"Hi everyone. Rachel and Perla here. We'd like to ask all of you to please please please take a few minutes out of your day to consider joining the National Bone Marrow Donor Registry ASAP. You can join in person at a bone marrow donor drive, or YOU CAN JOIN ONLINE. (see below)

Who knows, one of you could be a match for Annie. Imagine how amazing that would be!

Your information takes about 2 months to be added to the registry, so this means that we need you to act right away. We'll update you more on this soon, but the latest and greatest news from Annie's doctor is that she could need the bone marrow transplant in the next 2 to 3 months.

Here's How:

You can use this Web site to enter your zipcode and search for a donor drive near you at a time that is convenient for you. No appointment is necessary:


1. Go to this link:

2. Fill out the information

3. When you get to payment information, enter promo code SDBB2010

4. Receive your kit in the mail

5. Complete the easy cheek swab

6. Return kit via mail

**Please note that if you join the national bone marrow donor registry, you will be eligible to help not only Annie, but anyone else in need.

Here's the gist:
If you are between the ages of 18 and 60 and in general good health, you are eligible to be screened and join the worldwide registry for patients in need. All it takes to find out if you are a match is a simple swab from the inside of your cheek."

Much love to you all and healing energy to Annie...Goodnight.

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