Wednesday, June 2, 2010

One, Three, Nine, 14.5, Thirty, SIX DOZEN!

It is obvious that I haven't written in a while because the number of eggs I want to tell you that we're up to keeps increasing! We all share the job of feeding, watering, and collecting the eggs of the 175 hens. So I get to check on the girls once or twice a week. They make funny sounds, and now they squat down when I walk by because they think I'm a (big!) rooster. I guess it could be worse?!

Here is what I found the first day that I collected eggs:
Here's what I collected the next time:

And now we're counting dozens a day!

...SIX DOZEN the last time I collected eggs (a few days ago)! 72 beautiful and perfect eggs!

Maybe it's already obvious, but I think that one of my favorite things to do on the farm is work with the chickens. Well, that is, when they don't peck my feet or their own eggs! I guess sometimes they eat their own eggs. Ew. We were hoping it would be a while before they figured out that they liked the taste of eggs, but we already have a few peck-ers. We have found up to four eggs a day that have been pecked by the mamas. Dang.

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