Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Love Affair with Garlic Scapes

Today was the first day of our CSA! We had one head of lettuce, a half pound of loose leaf lettuce, one bunch of oregano, a half pound of kale, one bunch of garlic scapes, a half pound of spinach, and a pound of asparagus! We set up all of the full share and half share boxes and then distributed each item into each box. Oh, and that also meant that we started at SIX in the morning! It wasn't too bad waking up at 5:30am though. I thought I would be more tired than I was. It helps that it is light out at that time now. This also means that we have a three and a half hour lunch break in the middle of the day. What did I do? Why, head to the swimming hole, of course!

My new favorite things to harvest are garlic scapes. As I walk down the aisle I can't help but think of the grace-filled and elegant neck of a crane. Here is a wild and beautiful bouquet of scapes for you.

In fact, here is an ode to garlic scapes:PS. Did I mention that we found two surprises on the same day while mulching hay? I found seven live(!) tiny baby mice in one bail and a rat snake living in the bail next to it. I don't think it looks so good for the mice but we covered them up with some extra hay to give them a fighting chance.

PPS. Is it weird that I can't tell the difference between the sound of my cell phone ringing on vibrate and the cow mooing outside my shed? Why doesn't that cow just call me? It would make things so much easier.

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