Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Drip. Drip. Melt.

I didn't write fast enough last week. I was appalled. I was shocked. I didn't know what to do. Why, you ask? Because I had goosebumps! I forgot what it was like to be cold, or cool even! It didn't register to grab a jacket or sweatshirt. I just sat there at our picnic table, eating dinner, and feeling this foreign sensation. Our highs last week got down to 80-something, and at night it got down to 60-something. And it lasted for three days!

But now the heat is back with a vengeance. Or do they call that humidity? To tell you the truth, we heard that all week was supposed be in the "dangerous heat" range, getting up to 100 or more. I think we were all so prepared to be so miserable that it wasn't so bad after all. We made it through yesterday and today, and they are saying that tomorrow will only be in the mid-80's with the chance of a storm. Phew!

We could use some water over here. It has been pretty dry, and I can see it in the plants. As we work our way through the fields, harvesting and weeding and pruning and covering, many plants look droopy. And that's putting it nicely. A few looked like they were going to keel over. That is, until Eric ran the irrigation to them. Then they perked up a bit.

This is the time of year that we begin to have a hard time keeping up with everything on the farm. Unfortunately, the same is reflected in my blog! I can't keep up with all that I am learning. It's happening so fast! And each day flies by so quickly. And it doesn't help that I am interviewing for internships for grad school in all of my free time.

Alas, I am loving it still. I am in awe of the morning sun, the nightly moon, the sounds, the smells, the tastes, the abundance. OH, and the amount of heat my little shed can hold in from the day's sun! Hahahahahaha.

Be good to each other in this wild and precious life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Lynn and Barb told Dad how much they like your blog. As I was walking out with Karen, our secretary, she said she really hardly knew you except by sight, but that she checks your blog about once a week and is really impressed with what an upbeat person you are!
    I sure like your pictures and blog!
