Saturday, May 15, 2010

Market in Charlottesville

It was an early, but beautiful morning. I awoke and drove with Eric to Charlottesville in the dark and bagged spinach as I watched the sun rise. I brought my camera to market again and forgot to take pictures again. Shucks. We had a decent market. There were a steady stream of customers, but not as busy as we were expecting for such a beautiful day. Sun, no wind, and in the 70s the whole time!

I fell asleep on the way home and am now trying to figure out if I should take a nap or stay awake until bedtime. This 3:45 am wake up time is messing with me!

Since I didn't have my camera, here are a few pictures of me harvesting kale before it got mowed down:


  1. Hi Kelly; It's Lynn's Mom. I can't begin to tell you how wonderful your blog is! Lynn gave me the link last night, knowing I would be fascinated! Had there been something like this when I was your age, I know I would have been right where you are. What a great experience you are having! I can see a book in your future, you are such a clever writer!I do have a couple of questions; how come you got the shed, when everyone else is staying in the "dorm" and do you eat meals together, except for like breakfast (you bought eggs). Do you take turns cooking? I can hardly wait for the next episode!! Thanks so much for sharing this with the world! I wish you all the best! Dani

  2. Hi Dani!

    I wanted to tell you that your comment brightened my entire day! I've been thinking about it since I read it yesterday, so thanks for taking the time to write.

    Well, I'm mainly in the shed because I claimed it first. :) I grew out of my see-if-anyone-else-wants-it stage and went straight for the Eric-and-Rachel-said-that-housing-is-first-come-first-served-and-they-don't-have-to-tell-me-twice attitude. I feel mostly not-guilty about it, and since I have been living in community for several years now, I gave myself permission for a little more personal space.

    We only do meals together once a week. Otherwise we cook on our own and look at each others' meals for ideas! It's just simpler that way, I guess. Sound crazy? Maybe a little bit, but we stay more sane that way.

    Yes, I am loving this summer...and you have inspired me to write more! A new episode should be coming in the next few days!

