Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day Zero

Box Elder Bugs, Lady Bugs, and Spiders - OH MY!

I spent my day laughing and sighing, wondering if I'd ever win the get-the-hundreds-of-bugs-out-of-the-shed-before-they-climb-back-in (through WHERE?!) game that I found myself engaged in while I cleaned. Lucky for me the temperatures climbed into the 70's AND the place is small. So I dragged everything out of the shed (my new residence) into the grass in front and then swept and mopped and dusted and vacuumed and caulked. And finally, I moved my stuff in.

I come to Waterpenny Farm in Sperryville, Virginia, a few days after my 30th birthday. While this feels like a big shift in energy and direction, it feels right. I know this as I listen to the frogs converse at the pond, see the hawks fly overhead, soak the sun kisses into my cheeks, feel the breeze on my skin, and take in the mountain hug that surrounds me.

And tomorrow! Tomorrow I become a farmer. It's my first day of work, and I am ready. I'll meet Eric in front of the house at 8:30 am...thank goodness for late starts early in the season!